Working On Their Night Moves

As the nights are becoming longer, we're starting to spend more and more time running in darkness. Right now, the length of day is 8 hours and 26 minutes, and we're losing about 6 minutes and 44 seconds of daylight each day! On the Winter Solstice, we'll be down to 3 hours and 42 minutes of daylight!

The video below is of the yearling squad during last night's training run. They have been ROCKING IT. All of the yearlings have been running in lead with Gringa, Ewok, Wingman, Blitz, and Fish spending the most time up front. 
Time to pull out the headlamps!

How You Can Support Ryno Kennel!

First, thank you thank you to all the current and past Ryno Kennel Dog Sponsors and Boosters! Ryno Kennel would not be possible without all the amazing support from friends, family, and dog lovers. I am continually amazed and humbled by the kind emails, words of encouragement, and generous gifts. These phenomenal canine athletes have brought people together from all corners of the world to share in their adventures, and every day I wake up feeling so fortunate to be a part of it! Thank you to everyone that helps make it possible!

The 2016-2017 Ryno Kennel Sponsorship Season has begun! There are a few different ways you can support Ryno Kennel this season.

1- Be a Dog Sponsor! Each athlete has only ONE sponsor. Sponsors receive updates, Ryno Kennel gear, discounts on Alaska Adventures and bragging rights when their dog makes the A-Team or finishes a race. If visiting Alaska, dog sponsors are encouraged to visit the kennel and meet their athlete! We still have a few athletes that need sponsors! Adult dog sponsors will receive some fun schwagg including: a Ryno Kennel 2017 Calendar, big poster of your favorite athlete, and a Ryno Kennel 2017 sweatshirt! Yearling sponsors will receive a sweatshirt and poster. Puppy sponsors will receive a poster and calendar.

2- Give a Boost! While each dog has only one sponsor, we know there's more than one fan cheering in their corner. Show your love for an individual dog by giving them a boost! Like any professional athlete, the dogs enjoy the extra attention and limelight. You'll receive a small poster to proudly hang on your wall and your name listed by the athletes on the Booster Page.

3- Sponsor the Kennel! Do you want to support the kennel but aren't necessarily a dog person? Sponsoring the kennel is always appreciated!




Winter is coming...but not here just yet.

Two Rivers has yet to receive any substantial snowfall, and according to the Fairbanks Daily Newsminer, we're having the latest snow since 1980! Even Barrow (Alaska's northernmost community) is setting a record for the latest date without snowfall, which follows a record-early spring snow melt. According to Alaska Daily News, "Kotzebue, Nome, Iliamna, Cold Bay, King Salmon and St. Paul posted the warmest Oct. 1-10 periods on record, and Bethel had the second-warmest average temperature on record for the period, the agency said. Communities in Southeast  also had their driest Oct. 1-10 periods on record."

Even though there's no snow, we've had lots of below freezing temperatures, which has created a unique landscape. The swamps behind the kennel have all frozen over, and since there's no snow to cover the unique ice patterns, we're able to "walk on water" and explore!

Today, Riley from Dark Horse Racing and Jeff from Black Spruce Mushing came out to the kennel to run the Two Rivers trails and have the opportunity to practice passing. There were lots of excited dogs at the kennel this morning!

Flying Mushers Raceway Subdivision

What is Flying Mushers Raceway Subdivision you may ask? Well, it's the future home of Ryno Kennel!

Last year, we discovered a large parcel of land in Two Rivers that had been on the market for quite awhile. With no structures, no access road and no power, it wasn't very marketable to the average home buyer, but to us, it was PERFECT. After jumping through several hoops, the 150 acre parcel was ours!

While keeping 150 acres for ourselves was an appealing idea, having good neighbors makes life much easier during a cold Alaskan winter. And who better neighbors than fellow dog mushers?! With that in mind, we created Flying Mushers Raceway Subdivision- home to "R" (Ryno Kennel) "Ace" (Smokin Ace Kennel- Matt Hall/Amanda Brooks) and "Way" (Tukaway Kennel- Chase Tingle/Steph Otto). Get it? "R""Ace""Way"? And "Flying" for Derek of course.

Anyways, we're VERY excited about the new neighborhood! The picture is of the top half of the property. With the help of Dave Greer's D7 Dozer (Thank you Dave!), we put in an access road, dozed an airstrip (the large swath), and cleared a large area for a cabin, dog yard, garden, or anything. Stay tuned as we continue to build the dream homestead for Ryno Kennel!

Below are a few other pictures from life at the kennel.

Prepping salmon for the winter.

Jana and Coot smiling for the camera.