First to Tolsona!
/Ryno Kennel Race team is the first team into Tolsona Lake Checkpoint, followed close behind by Nicolas Petit. We are not able to tell you what this really means since all the racers have not taken their mandatory rests times plus start differential, including Ryne's team. We do anticipate Ryne will stay for the mandatroy six hours plus start differential at Tolsona.
But what we would like to share is a fantastic video recorded live on Facebook by Dwayne Edward Beals. If you do not have a facebook account, after clicking the following link, and it states "To see more from Dwayne Edward Beals on Facebook, log in or create an account." just click "not now". Then join at the 2 minute 40 second mark. Fun seeing a little of what goes on at the check points!
Ryne and super handler Derek! (Meiers Lake Check point)