Miles on the Yukon

Good evening Ryno Kennel fans! I apologize for my tardiness in writing this blog post, the time change has gotten my internal clock all out of whack.  After a nice long eight hour rest in Galena, Ryne is once again on the trail and headed to Nulato!  She should be getting there within the next hour or so as she’s about ten miles out. 


Derek got a call from Ryne today while she was resting the dogs in Galena and we were able to find out that she dropped Niagra, Belle and CJ in Ruby.  It doesn’t sound like they had any serious soreness, and Niagra has since been picked up by the Authiers, while the other two are still in transit.  


I can only imagine how incredible and stark the scenery is along the Yukon River.  Many mushers describe running the Yukon as one of the hardest, loneliest parts of the race.  The scenery rarely changes, the terrain rarely changes, and you truly feel the might and majesty of Mother Nature.  But then again, this is why we spend long, hard hours on the back of a dogsled.  To have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in untouched, pristine and wild places.


That’s all for now Ryno Kennel fans, check back in tomorrow for more on Ryne and her happy huskies!