Ted Walks


Meet Ted.

Normally Ted lives with Jessica Hendricks at Iron Pearl Kennel, but this summer, Ted will be joining Ryno Kennel to help keep the lawn mowed, dogs exercised, and Ryne entertained. He's quickly becoming a neighborhood sensation, giving rides to the neighborhood kids and earning respect everywhere he goes. Sure, mules are normally considered less noble than a horse, but his sure-footedness and incredible calm around barking dogs, running children, and flying airplanes is impressive. Not to mention he can weave miraculously through the dense thicket of birch forest and black spruce, making him a perfect riding companion. Throughout the summer, we'll post "Ted Walks" providing a glimpse of the green and lush Two Rivers in the Land of the Midnight Sun. 

Perm meets Ted

Ted helping to mow the dog yard

Ted helping to mow the dog yard

Rose bushes (Lesson learned- don't ride in shorts)

Summer birch forest

Ted and Noah Jane