Ryno Kennel Into Braeburn
/Perm and Neptune lead the team into Braeburn at 1:51 AM this morning. Ryne is rotating the leaders to keep them fresh.
Charley and Rucu are the all star wheel dogs with Ryne voicing much praise on their work ethic. All the dogs slept and ate well while on their campout between Whitehorse and Braeburn. They gobbled up their food, even snacks while on the trail, and settled right down to sleep when the straw was spread out.
Niagra stepped in an ice crack and has developed a sore shoulder, so after a great 100 miles, Niagra gets a ride home with the The Ryno Kennel handlers.
After choosing to do their first mandatory 6 hour rest (plus start differential) in Braeburn, Katy and Fire led the charge out of Braeburn in -40 degree weather -- burr!