Day 9 of Iditarod
/Even though I’ve worked with sled dogs before, this is my first year handling for a race kennel. All those trailing miles, puppy massages, meat cutting, packing drop bags, and rest of the long list for what needs to happen before the race start... they‘re paying off. I’ve adored watching Ryne and the dogs that I’ve cared for all season take on the famous Iditarod race. This year has been full of unknowns, making it tough at times so I couldn’t be more proud of what the team is accomplishing! Even better, they’re happy while doing that!!!
Kalyn has been a rockstar at helping me write these blogs. She’s much better at checking the GPS tracker regularly and telling me what it means. It’s been fun learning how to watch virtually and pull from multiple resources to get a basic understanding of a trail I’ve never been on.
We’ve been caring for the dogs at kennel, running the large puppy class, checking off the end-of-season to-do list, and operating tours at the Chena Outdoor Collective. Our little routine is being changed up today as Kalyn and Derek take off this afternoon. The plan is to be down there for Ryne’s finish... and Ryne and the dogs can’t return until they pick her up. So Derek and Kalyn better be at the finish line on time!! I’m ready for trail stories and dog cuddles.
Ryne left Nikolai and passed through Rainy Pass for a quick resupply before camping on trail 1.5 hours later. She took a five hour rest before pulling the hook and running to Finger Lake. They did the same thing here; a few minutes for a quick resupply of dog food, booties, and human snacks. They left at 8:48 this morning.
The team is in Swkenta now, where they’re taking the final mandatory 8 hour rest. It’s the last official checkpoint before Deshka Landing and the finish line.
Go, Ryne Go!!!
Photographer: Michael Schoder
Photographer: Michael Schoder
Photographer: Michael Schoder
Photographer: Michael Schoder