What's Up Next


I’m hoping to write up a few good stories from the Yukon Quest, but in the meantime, what’s up next for our athletes?

Starting next week, the athletes and I will be hitting the trails on several expeditions in the Chena River Valley as well as the Alaska Range!

Saeward has been training up a team of yearlings and adults to run the Two Rivers 100 in just a couple weeks!

Ernie and Bert are growing like weeds and now bigger than Sasha!

And Scarpa and Petzl were total NATURALS their first time in harness!

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. We’re gaining over six minutes of daylight every day, and the trails are in perfect shape for mushing. So basically, we’ll be spending as much time outside as we can!


CJ and Cartel- so cuddly!

King Louie

Ernie and Bert

