Yukon Quest Drop Bags- Check!
/Yesterday I dropped off the Yukon Quest drop bags at Summit Logistics with the Quest logistics team. This is always a huge relief. We had almost 35 separate 40-lb bags labelled by checkpoint. Transporting those supplies is a massive undertaking, so a BIG thank you to all the Yukon Quest volunteers who make sure that all the bags arrive safely (and frozen) to their respective locations and are ready upon our arrival during the race.
What's in all the drop bags?
Meat, meat and more meat- Liz cut up and bagged almost 100 snacks of various meats such as beef, liver, BLT (beef, liver and tripe), and fish. This is one of the not-so-enjoyable jobs of handling, so thank you Liz!
Dog kibble- We prepackaged meal sized portions of kibble to be sent out to each checkpoint. There is always extra in case an unplanned layover is necessary.
Supplies- dog booties, human gloves, dog blankets, batteries, runner plastics (different colors for different temperatures, just like ski wax).
Human food- I did a short video about the kinds of human food I send out on the trail. Enjoy!
Vet bags- Included in the vet bags are supplements, wrist wraps, massage oils, foot ointment, handwarmers and other supplies used in caring for the dogs.