Ryno Kennel in Birmingham

This week, I'm down visiting my family in Birmingham, Alabama and squeezing in a few sled dog presentations. With any luck, I'll convert a few more mushing fanatics down here in the South!

Two of our biggest fans, also known as the "Southeast Public Relations Team," are my Aunt Sally and Uncle Ralph. They organized an open house at their home as well as presentations at Mountain Brook Elementary (where I attended school through the 3rd grade) and Brookdale Senior Living where my Grandmother lives.

In addition to the presentations, several family members have traveled to Birmingham for an impromptu reunion including my brothers Nick and Tom (who have both spent several months in Alaska helping at the kennel); my parents Katy and Mike (who follow every race and often come to my 1000-mile races); and my Aunt Amy and Uncle Newman and their sons Aidan and Newman (a.k.a. Northeast Ryno Kennel Public Relations Team).

The point being: it takes a city to raise a kennel! Thank you so much to all my family and friends in Birmingham for giving me such a warm welcome and being part of the Ryno Kennel team!

Part of my presentation includes this video that gives a recap of the season. I hope you enjoy it!