Braeburn through Carmacks to Pelly on the Yukon Quest
/What a run Ryno Kennel is having! After a 5 hour rest in Braeburn, Ryne and the pups left Braeburn at 7:08 AM Sunday morning with a plan to camp on the trail before Carmacks. With all going as scheduled, Ryne ran through Carmacks with a short 15 minute stop to resupply from her drop bags. All the dogs were straining at their harnesses during that stop, wanting to get back on the trail, and that was a wonderful sight. With the weather dropping into the -30s on the trail at night, the pups were having fun -- remember 2 years ago on this trail it was in the -40s and -50s, so this feels warmer! Pulling into Pelly Crossing at 10:59 this morning, all pups looked great. After a thorough Vet check, lunch, and massages, all bedded down for a long nap. That is all the dogs got a long nap! From the time they pulled in, after feeding each dog, giving each a massage, eating herself, Ryne caught a two hour nap. Ryne was then back up, working on her sled, waking pups to feed and stretch legs, bootying all 14!, and getting ready for the trail. And boy did they look good leaving the yard, Kindi, Drake, and Coot barking the loudest.
Please enjoy pictures from the checkpoints.
Thanks again to all the wonderful Volunteers. Here are the "check in" volunteers at Braeburn (the line of people in the distance are anxiously awaiting the teams at the Carmacks recreation center)
Arriving at 9:15 PM into Carmacks, Kindi wanted to know why they were stopping.
But by 9:30 PM, Ryne had the team headed down the trail.
Next stop, Pelly Crossing where the local kids had decorated for the coming mushers!
The chefs at Pelly Crossing were busy preparing warm meals for mushers, and also selling them to the rest for a small donation to the local community childrens' programs.
A quiet, dark space is saved in the back of this room for handlers and volunteers to catch a nap while waiting for mushers (thanks Pelly Crossing!)
Here comes our favorite team into Pelly Crossing on Monday at 10:59 AM!
Lunch time!
Vet checks
Massages for all the incredible athletes!
Another great meal from the volunteers before a short nap for our favorite musher.
While the dogs rest:
Under the watchful eye of onlookers who are not allowed to step into the dog yard:
The mushers resupply their bags and fix their sleds.
6 1/2 hours later, at 5:30 PM our favorite team is out of Pelly Crossing and back on the trail.
Go Ryno Kennel Go!!