101/Two Rivers/then headed to the Finish Line of 2017 Yukon Quest!
/What a run Ryno Kennel is having these last few days: from 30+mph winds on top of Eagle Summit to overflowed creeks & Rosebud Ridge to 20+ degree weather today heading into Fairbanks. Run Ryno Kennel Run!
Parking for the mandatory 8 hour rest in Two Rivers.
All check points have charging stations for what ever electronic devices a musher carries. Ryne likes to listen to music on her iPod shuffle and recharge her head lamp.
Checkpoints also provide a separate location for mushers to sleep and hang clothes to dry. And, heated water to prepare the dogs food!
Feeding and stretching their legs before the last run!
SURPRISE visitor - Kristin Knight Pace - to see Ryne off on this last leg. Ryne and Kristin traveled together two years ago on the Yukon Quest.
Ryno Kennel headed to the finish line!
Last column on the board -- love!