Happy Birthday to our favorite musher on the Yukon Quest
/After Ryne and team hit the trail from Dawson Friday morning at 1:09 AM, the handler crew broke camp and slept a few hours before starting the long trek around to Two Rivers. Handler extraordinaire, Derek, dealt with a broken belt tension system on the dog truck 30 miles outside Whitehorse -- shout out to NAPA in Whitehorse and fellow musher, Magnus Feren Kaltenborn, for their assistance -- and with just a 3 hour delay, the handlers were able to arrive back in Two Rivers in the early morning hours today.
Plan for the handlers is to regroup the next few days, enjoy some runs with the puppies back home, give some extra love to Niagra, Kindi, and Belle for their work on the trail, and sleep little while following Ryne and the team on the tracker on the Yukon Quest's website:
Until we meet up with Ryne in Circle, we will be relying on the tracker and the Yukon Quest updates on Facebook to keep informed.
Today, please raise your glass of hot chocolate to Ryne celebrating her birthday on a beautiful trail with some of her favorite companions!! Happy Ryne's Birthday