/Remember these little guys? Well, they're not so little anymore. At 5 1/2 months, the Ducks are growing fast. From left to right, Drake is the biggest. He is very affectionate and cries in excitement whenever he gets attention. Eider reminds me of Stormy, who is his half aunt. They both have narrow little heads and love attention. On free runs, both he and Stormy heel.
Left to right- Brant, Coot, Cayenne (SP), Drake, Champ (SP)
Coot is competitive. He wins every game of tug-of-war, even when he's playing against bigger dogs like Jezzy. He also loves back rubs. Brant is crazy. He's incredibly independent and will just take off running in a random direction during puppy walks. Luckily, he listens and comes running back. Left to right- Drake, Eider, Coot, and Brant.